
Set-2023. The paper published at SBES'2023Assessing the Readability of ChatGPT Code Snippet Recommendations: A Comparative Study has won a Distinguished Paper Award.

Set- 2023. We have two papers on code readability from Carlos Eduardo's PhD. ongoing work: ICSME'2023: How do Developers Improve Code Readability? An Empirical Study of Pull Requests;   SBES'2023: Assessing the Readability of ChatGPT Code Snippet Recommendations: A Comparative Study.

Jun-2023. A paper from Adriano's thesis has been accepted in the IET Software Journal: "Mining relevant solutions for programming tasks from search engine results".

Jun-2023. Marcelo has taken up the position of Coordinator for the Graduate Program in Computer Science.

Oct-2022. Adriano Mendonça has defended his PhD thesis and assumed a position as Assistant Professor at Federal University of Uberlandia. 

Sep-2022. Marcelo participated in the examination board of the PhD defense of José Vicente Pereira dos Reis at the University Institute of Lisbon. 

Jan-2022. Victor Sobreira defended the thesis: "Analysis of Bug Localization Performance Supported by Dataset Dissection".

Jan-2022. The paper "Anti-bloater Class Restructuring: An Exploratory Study" with João Paulo Machado, Elder Sobrinho and Marcelo Maia has been accepted at the Journal of Software: Evolution and Process (Wiley).

Oct-2021. odrigo's doctoral thesis (CROKAGE: Effective Solution Recommendation for Programming Tasks by Leveraging Crowd Knowledge)  has been award with as the WINNER of the Software Engineering Doctoral and Master Theses Competition (CTD-ES).  

July-2019. LASCAM will have a new identity: Intelligent Software Engineering Lab. We'll be gradually moving content and updating that site until this one will be eventually discontinued.

June-2019. The paper "Improving the Classification of Q&A Content for Android Fragmentation using Named Entity Recognition" has been accepted at the EPIA Conference on Artificial Intelligence, 2019 with Adriano Rocha and Marcelo Maia.

March-2019. Elder Vicente Sobrinho has defended his PhD thesis entitled: Inter-relação entre smells - Uma análise de Large Class, Complex Class e Clone! March 25.

March-2019. The paper "Key Classes in Object-Oriented Systems: Detection and Assessment" has been accepted at the Int'l Journal of Software Engineering and Knowledge Engineering with Liliane Vale and Marcelo Maia! March 25.

March-2019. The paper "Bootstrapping Cookbooks for APIs from Crowd Knowledge on Stack Overflow" has been accepted at the Information and Software Technology, with Lucas Souza, Eduardo Campos, Fernanda Madeiral, Klérisson Paixão, Adriano Rocha and Marcelo Maia!!!! March 18.

March-2019. The paper "Co-Change Patterns: A Large Scale Empirical Study" has been accepted at the Journal of Systems and Software, with Luciana Silva, Marco Túlio Valente e Marcelo Maia! March 14.

March-2019. Fernanda Madeiral has defended her PhD thesis entitled: On Benchmarks of Bugs for Studies in Automatic Program Repair. March 11.

March-2019. The paper Recommending Comprehensive Solutions for Programming Tasks by Mining Crowd Knowledge with Rodrigo Fernandes, Chanchal Roy, Masudur Rahman, Kevin Schneider, Klérisson Paixão, and Marcelo Maia has been accepted as *a full paper* for inclusion in the Technical Research Track of ICPC 2019 in Montreal!!!.  March 07.

January-2019. Our journal-first systematic literature review on bad smells published at IEEE TSE with Elder Sobrinho, Andrea De Lucia, and Marcelo Maia has been accepted for presentation at ICSE'2019 in Montreal!!!!

January-2019. Marcelo Maia has been awarded with a Productivity Scholarship from CNPq 2018... Bolsa PQ - Produtividade em Pesquisa!