December-18-2017: @Victor and @Fernanda's full research paper accepted at SANER'2018Dissection of a Bug Dataset: Anatomy of 395 Patches from Defects4J, with Victor Sobreira, Thomas Durieux, Fernanda Delfim, Martin Monperrus, and Marcelo Maia.

August-14-2017: @Carlos's full paper accepted at CASCON'2017: On the Actual Use of Inheritance and Interface in Java Projects: Evolution and Implications.

August-13-2017: @Marcus's paper accepted at VEM'2017: Mining rules for fixing Android fragmentation related problems (in Portuguese). Mineração de regras para solução de problemas relacionados à fragmentação do Android. 

June-06-2017: @Eduardo's paper accepted at ESEM'2017: Common Bug-fix Patterns: A Large-Scale Observational Study (June, 2017).

April-2017: @Klérisson's CAPS/NSF application for ICSE 2017 has been accepted!

March-15-2017: @Liliane's paper accepted at ICPC'2017 ERA: On the Properties of Design-relevant Classes for  Design Anomaly Assessment.

March-08-2017: @Klérisson's paper accepted at MSR'2017 Mining Challenge: On the Interplay between Non-Functional Requirements and Builds on Continuous Integration, w/ Fernanda and Crícia (March, 2017).

March-02-2017: First PhD. Defense at LASCAM, Raquel Lafetá: A hybrid semi-automated approach for the construction of framework instantiation documentation (in portuguese).

March-01-2017: Elder Sobrinho started a 6-month internship at University of Salerno under Prof. De Lucia supervision..