Marcelo participating at a boarding for the PhD Defense of José Vicente Pereira dos Reis at the Instituto Universitário de Lisboa.
Victor's thesis defense - "Analysis of Bug Localization Performance Supported by Dataset Dissection"
Rodrigo's best thesis certificate - CBSoft'2021.
Marcus and Marcelo at National Science and Technology Week
BEST PAPER Award at VEM'2018
Marcelo's Keynote at VEM'2018
Liliane's Defense ... November 2017
LASCAM at ICSE'2017... MSR session
Gathering at Maia's home for celebrating this good year (2016). We wish an excellent 2017 for everyone.
Prof. Marcelo Maia's talk, entitled "Leveraging on Software Engineering Data: multiple sources, multiple opportunities", at INRIA Lille, for Spirals and RMoD teams. Nov, 2016.
Guilherme's Defense
Eduardo's MSc defense.
2014 ended ... LASCAM had been formalized and enlarged... Celebrating at Maia's home this good year that has gone and wishing an even better 2015 for everyone.
Créditos: Márcio Yamazaki
We acknowledge Prof. Marco Aurélio Gerosa, for the outstanding talk at VIII UFU Workshop of Computer Science Theses and Dissertations entitled Mining Socio-technical Information from Software Repositories. Nov, 20, 2014.
Eduardo Campos presenting Nuggets Miner, awarded the 2nd best tool at CBSoft2014. Oct, 2014.
Attending Dr. Parna's talk at CBSoft2014. Where is Wally?*
Credit: Sérgio Soares. Oct, 2014.
* In the second row behind Sven Apel in green suit. :)
MSc. Dissertation defense: (from the left to right) Prof. Autran Macêdo, Lucas Souza, Prof. Marcelo Maia and Prof. Marco Túlio Valente. Jul, 2014.
Prof. David Röthlisberger (UDP) visiting LASCAM in January, 2014.